
JTWROS, Joint owners, Joint Tenants With Rights Of Survivorship. Concept with keyword, people and icons.

The Perils of Joint Ownership of Property

People often set up bank accounts or real estate so that they own them jointly with a spouse or other family member. The appeal of joint ownership, specifically with survivorship rights, is that when one owner dies, the other owner(s) will automatica… Read More
Notebook with Inheritance written on the front, image of car, home and family in wood cut out

Won’t My Spouse and Kids Inherit Everything When I Die?

You may think that if you die while you are married, everything you own will automatically go to your spouse and children. But you are actually thinking of state rules that apply if someone dies without leaving a will. In legal jargon, this is referr… Read More
Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney documents on a desk

3 Ways to Manage Your Estate Plan Cost

You may think creating a simple estate plan should be easy and something you can do independently. Unfortunately, this is not often the case. Estate planning laws vary greatly from state to state, can sometimes be complicated, and constantly change.… Read More
A gray cat lies on the bed with money and dollar-shaped glasses. Rich pet. Pet Trust

Three More Famous Pet Trust Cases and the Lessons We Can Learn from Them

Sometimes, pet owners can get a bit creative when providing for their pets’ future care. The following three famous cases involving a sort of a pet trust offer some important lessons. Although some of the cases shared here involve leaving an inheri… Read More
Three Celebrity Pet Trust…

Three Celebrity Pet Trust Cases and the Lessons We Can Learn from Them

Not long ago, pet trusts were thought of as little more than eccentric things that famous people did for their pets when they had too much money. These days, pet trusts are considered much more mainstream. For example, in 2016, Minnesota became the f… Read More
A Trust for Fluffy or Fid…

A Trust for Fluffy or Fido? Why Every Pet Parent Needs to Consider a Pet Trust Today

Estate planning is about protecting what is important to you. Although much of the traditional estate planning conversation focuses on surviving spouses, children, grandchildren, and charities, many pet parents wonder what could happen to their “fu… Read More
5 Tragic Mistakes People…

5 Tragic Mistakes People Make When Leaving an Inheritance to Their Pets

Planning for your pets in your estate plan is an excellent way to ensure that your beloved pet will receive proper care and attention after you pass on. The problem, of course, is that you will not be there to ensure that your wishes are carried out.… Read More
generational family

What Conditions Can I Put on My Child’s Inheritance?

You have two primary options for leaving an inheritance to a child. The most straightforward is to give it to them in a single lump sum, with no strings attached. But this might not be the best option for some children. You may be concerned about the… Read More
married couple at home with their dog, wife is actively making a choice

Disinheriting a Spouse: Can I Leave My Spouse Out of My Estate Plan?

The relationship between spouses is special in all contexts, not the least of which is the estate planning context. In many instances, you can exclude people from your estate plan, including your parents, siblings, and adult children. But there are s… Read More
woman looking at chalkboard with different words written on it and NOW written boldly

To the Millennials: The Time to Plan Is Now

As a millennial, you are contributing to the workforce in a major way and are making positive changes in the world around you. We understand that your concerns may differ from someone of a different generation, and we are here to help you craft an es… Read More