
Close up of a person writing a letter by hand with a pen

What Happens to My Leased Car If I Die Before the Lease Term Ends?

After a house, a car is often the second-most valuable piece of property a person owns. And although the number has been falling, about 15–20 percent of new vehicles are leased rather than purchased and financed. Leasing is a popular alternative to… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Probate
Estate Planning Word Cloud

How Far in Advance Can I Begin My Estate Planning?

You can create your estate plan at any time, but many people choose to begin the process of estate planning sooner rather than later. Why? Because you never know when life-changing medical or financial emergencies can strike that will require someone… Read More
Pearl necklace, class ring, embroidered hankerchief

Sometimes Stuff Is the Most Important Part of Your Estate Plan

Most people usually think about who will receive their retirement and bank accounts, life insurance proceeds, real estate, and other valuable possessions upon their death. However, a person’s personal property (their stuff) can also be a source of… Read More
Illustration of judge standing behind podium, flags behind him

When Families are Estranged: What is the Impact on Estate Planning?

Unfortunately, rifts sometimes arise between family members that are much more serious than just temporary squabbles. The result may be estrangement, defined as “the state of being alienated or separated in feeling or affection; a state of hostilit… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Wills
Two women family couple or girls friends lifting hand showing the keys of new home house apartment, buying or renting real estate property, mortgage loan at living room.

Beware of Unequal Contributions When Buying a Home

At a time of record home unaffordability, more people are teaming up with friends and relatives to realize the home ownership dream of buying a home. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), more than 75 percent of homes on the market… Read More
Blue neon sign TIME TO UPDATE; a red megaphone

Four Things Your Spouse Should Know Before You Die

It is normal for spouses to share almost every aspect of their lives with each other. But when it comes to death, even the closest couples might become tight-lipped about certain topics. According to one study, half of all couples fail to discuss the… Read More
gavel with scale and books in the background

Collecting A Debt on Behalf of Your Deceased Loved One

People often engage in transactions that result in money being owed to them, such as loaning money to a friend or business partner or renting a house to a tenant. But what happens if someone passes away before they receive payback of that debt, the m… Read More
Online Bill Payment. Home Utilities Bill Payment Services Concept. Gas, Water, Electricity Supply. Save energy, pay utility bills. Tv online. Television streaming video. Media TV on demand. Online Multimedia video concept on TV set in dark room. Watching online TV with remote control in hand. Deciding what to cancel after someone dies

Bills and Services to Cancel—and Keep—When a Loved One Dies

A loved one’s passing is challenging on many different levels. In addition to the emotional difficulty of processing someone’s death, there are also the many tasks that must be dealt with, such as going through their various accounts and taking t… Read More
Categories: Probate
young siblings with a piggy bank between them

Could a Testamentary Trust Be What Your Loved Ones Need?

One of the main reasons that a person creates a revocable living trust (a trust established during a person’s lifetime that they can amend or revoke) instead of relying on a will to transfer their money and property to their beneficiaries is to avo… Read More
Wooden blocks spelling out LLC with other blocks displaying business concepts stacked in a pyramid outside on a sunny day

Five Things to Know Before Including a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Your Estate Plan

When it comes to protecting your hard-earned money and property, it is important that you have the right plan, which can include a number of tools for your unique situation. One tool that might benefit you is a limited liability company (LLC) that ow… Read More