» Estate Planning

Family Tree For Several Generations

Estate Planning Issues for the Modern Family

As the name suggests, ABC’s TV show Modern Family depicts the relationships and experiences between a fictional extended family. Throughout the course of the series, the show addresses many issues that families deal with each day. For a close-knit… Read More
pros cons list in a notebook and man hand with red marker writing considering pros and cons of probate

The Pros and Cons of Probate

In estate planning circles, the word probate often carries a negative connotation. Indeed, for many people—especially those with valuable accounts and property—financial planners and others recommend trying to keep accounts and property out of pr… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Probate
Child with travel suitcase on vacation ready for adventure.

Your Travel Planning Team for Your Next Adventure

When planning your next great travel adventure, you may decide that you can do it yourself. You know what you and your travel companions want to see and do, how much you are willing to pay, and the most convenient times to travel. While making travel… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Red Flags When Hiring a P…

Red Flags When Hiring a Professional To Be Your Trustee

When you form a trust as part of your estate plan, one of the most important decisions you will make is who will oversee the trust’s management when you are no longer able to manage it (also known as your successor trustee). Because a trustee’s w… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Trusts
Graceland home of Elvis Presley. Memphis TN depicting issue in celebrity estate plans

Goodness Gracious! Celebrity Estate Plans: What Jerry Lee Lewis's Plan Could Look Like

The news of Lisa Marie Presley’s death is fresh. Although many are already speculating, we don’t know exactly what her estate looks like. But it calls up another recent loss to the music world and that celebrity estate plan: Jerry Lee Lew… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Sign for Contingencies with we Expect The Unexpected

Important Contingencies as Part of Your Estate Plan

Life is full of contingencies. While some outcomes are relatively certain, other events are more difficult to predict. This uncertainty can create estate planning challenges. Because life changes quickly and sometimes unexpectedly, your estate plan n… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Can You Prove It question about mental capacity in estate planning

Three Tips for Proving Mental Capacity in Estate Planning

Although we would all like to believe that our family and loved ones will honor our wishes as expressed in our estate plan, contests are more common than you might think. Sometimes, a family member does not receive what they thought they would after… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
vacation silhouette of camel ride in Jordan

Important Estate Plan Issues to Address Before You Leave on Vacation

Getting ready to embark on your next great adventure and vacation? Before you zip up the last suitcase, here are five issues involving your estate plan that you need to address to protect yourself and your loved ones. 1. Do you have a foundational es… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Red carpet for celebrity

Three Celebrities' Probate Disasters and Tragic Lessons

One would assume that celebrities with extreme wealth would take steps to protect their estates. But think again: some of the world’s richest and most famous people enter the pearly gates with no estate plan, while others have made estate planning… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Wills
Avoid probate with estate planning

Estate Planning Awareness Week: Is Your Plan Up-to-Date?

If you follow McCreary Law Office on social media, you probably know how much we love to point out those special days created to recognize everything from baby safety to pizza and so many things on between. But this particular awareness week this wee… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning