
business woman with a skeptical expression is looking at a document that is being explained by a man sitting across from her

Beware of Trust Scams—and How to Spot Them

Trusts are widely used in estate planning to protect and transfer a person’s assets (money, accounts, property, etc.), sometimes in a tax-advantaged manner. Some trusts are highly complex, with multiple parties, intricate structures, specialized le… Read More
Categories: Trusts
Persn holding a sign written on cardboard WHAT'S YOUR LEGACY?

Important Legacy Questions You Should Answer in Your Estate Plan

When beginning any type of planning, you usually start with some preliminary questions. Estate planning is no different. When you begin the process, your estate planning attorney will likely ask about your family members, the accounts and property yo… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Wedding couple in car decorated with plate JUST MARRIED and cans

Estate Plan Basics for Newlyweds: How to Prepare for the Unexpected

Getting married is a special time in your life; you may have a beautiful wedding, a fun reception (with a delicious cake and special gifts), and a romantic honeymoon. It is also the right time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future—for… Read More
Joint account (JTWROS) text in heart shape presented for active business education concept on paper slip background.

Why Joint Ownership (JTWROS) Should Not Necessarily Be the Go-To Plan for Newlyweds

If you recently married or have been married for a while and have acquired additional money or property (or plan to), you have options regarding how your assets can be owned. Although joint ownership seems easy and convenient, particularly when that… Read More
LGBTQIA Same-sex Couple Dancing

Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Now, when you are newly married, is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds or those about to marry, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two… Read More
A man peering into a full mailbox trying to stop mail of a deceased person

Four Steps for Stopping Mail After Someone Dies

Once you have been appointed the executor or personal representative of a deceased loved one’s probate estate, or when you step in as the successor trustee of the loved one’s trust, one of the things you should do early in the process is to notif… Read More
Categories: Probate
Judge With Magnifying Glass Looking At Figurines of a Family to choose guaridan

Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Children

We know it is difficult, even horrific, to imagine someone else raising your children. However, you must consider who you would choose to fill this important role. Otherwise, a judge—a stranger who does not know you or your wishes, your child, or y… Read More
residuary beneficiaries after debts paid shown by a gift box with cash inside

Pros and Cons of Naming Many Residuary Beneficiaries in a Will or Trust

You have meticulously created your estate plan to ensure that it includes and addresses all of your most important assets (accounts and property). You have reviewed your asset list repeatedly, and everything seems to be accounted for. But what if you… Read More
Successor trustee plan, baton pass or transfer to new trustee to achieve goal, passing torch to successor.

Who Should Be Your Successor Trustee?

If you have a revocable living trust, you probably named yourself as the initial trustee so that you can continue to manage your financial affairs. However, someone else will eventually need to step in to administer your trust when you are no longer… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Trusts
Vintage key in a trust fund document chooes initial trustee

How to Choose the Initial Trustee of Your Trust

When you establish a trust, you nominate someone to be the initial trustee. If you are creating a revocable living trust, you will likely be the initial trustee. You will also want to name successors or backup trustees to step in and manage the trust… Read More