» Planning for Minor Children

Blended Families in Florida - Providing for spouses, children and stepchildren.

The Blended Family: Providing for Spouses, Children and Stepchildren

When dividing property, fairness is essential, but it’s also subjective. Thinking about wills and who you want to inherit your assets is difficult for anyone, but the process is more complex for blended families. Some of the same rules apply. M… Read More
two males sitting on beach

Can We Talk? Having the Needed Conversations with Potential Guardians

Estate planning is more than making choices. It is also about having conversations with those people you select to act for you in case of your death or disability—personal representatives, powers of attorney, and guardians, to name a few. A lot of… Read More
Use a Trust to Protect Your Money From Young Adults' Bad Decisions in Florida.

Using a Trust to Keep Money Safe from Young Adults' Bad Decisions

A well-designed trust should protect your hard-earned assets and ensure the best outcome for each beneficiary. Young adults can be vulnerable to their own bad decisions in money, relationships, and spending; a trust can help protect their financial f… Read More
Protecting Your Legacy

Using a Trust to Protect Your Legacy from Your Children's Ex-Spouses

A living trust is a useful tool for safeguarding your legacy and enabling the transfer of assets to a specific beneficiary. It can also protect against claims made by potential interlopers, such as a child’s ex-spouse. If your son’s or da… Read More
5 Key Times to Evaluate Your Florida Estate Plan

Five Key Times to Evaluate Your Estate Plan

Life changes daily, it seems sometimes. Often, when those events take place that bring such change, we can be so focused on the change in circumstance, it’s easy to overlook how our estate plan might need to change too. Here are five key times… Read More
Personal Files

Choosing Beneficiaries and Keeping it Beneficial

With the start of a new year, we often take time to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and generally set goals to get our houses in order—whether our physical houses, our fitness houses, or our financial houses. One of those areas in… Read More
Authorization for consent to medical treatment of minor child

New Florida Laws Broaden Health Care Surrogate Designations

Beginning October 1, Florida parents now are able to designate a person to make health care decisions for their minor children in case the parent is unable to be reached. Additionally, the traditional health care surrogate designation for adults can… Read More

A Fast (but not Furious) Chat about Wills and Wrongful Death

Some people say to me, “But I don’t need a will; I don’t have anything.” For a few people, this might apply; those persons might not now have anything in their estates that needs to be handled with a formal plan. One concern, though, is that… Read More