» Powers of Attorney

Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney documents on a desk

What You Can Learn from the Leno Conservatorship Proceedings

When most people think about creating an estate plan, they usually focus on what will happen when they die. They typically do not consider what their wishes would be if they were alive but unable to manage their own affairs (in other words, if they a… Read More
Image shows an advanced directive, stethoscope, magnifier and a scalpel

What to Do When Incapacity Throws Your Estate Plan into Chaos

As poet Robert Burns mused centuries ago, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Despite thoughtful effort and a concerted strategy, you cannot prepare for every emergency in life. A car accident, sudden illness, workplace injury, or chro… Read More
Authorization for consent to medical treatment of minor child

Who Will Care for Your Child When You Cannot?

As a parent, you are responsible for the care of your minor child. In most circumstances, this means getting them up for school, making sure they are fed, and providing for other basic needs. However, what would happen if you and your child’s other… Read More
Estate Planning Legal Business Management Wheel Infographic showing power of attorney

How to Choose the Right Agents for Your Incapacity Plan

Many people believe that estate planning is only about planning for their death. But planning for what happens after you die is only one piece of the estate-planning puzzle. It is just as important to plan for what happens if you become unable to man… Read More
Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney documents on a desk

Five Essential Legal Documents You Need for Incapacity Planning

Comprehensive estate planning involves more than just planning for your legacy after your death, avoiding probate, and reducing taxes. Good estate planning also addresses incapacity and appoints people to make legal, financial, and medical decisions… Read More
hand holding a phone showing a Twitch account

What Happens to My Twitch Account When I Die?

In the digital age, our online presence extends beyond social media. Platforms like Twitch, where users engage with live-streamed content, present unique considerations when it comes to estate planning. Do you know what happens to a Twitch account af… Read More
Estate Planning Word Cloud

How Far in Advance Can I Begin My Estate Planning?

You can create your estate plan at any time, but many people choose to begin the process of estate planning sooner rather than later. Why? Because you never know when life-changing medical or financial emergencies can strike that will require someone… Read More
Conversation about being a trustee

Should the Trustee of My Trust Be Different during My Incapacity Than at My Death?

When you create a trust, choosing a trustee is one of the most important decisions you will make. If you create a revocable living trust—that is, a trust that you establish during your lifetime and can revoke or amend—you may opt to act as truste… Read More
Red computer keyboard buttons labeled

Recent Unemployment? Three Things You Must Do to Protect Your Family

If you have recently lost your job, you are not alone. Inflation has skyrocketed in the United States over the past few years. Some smaller businesses have not been able to survive the increased expenses, putting employees out of work, while many lar… Read More
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month: How an Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety

Roughly one in five US adults experiences a mental illness each year. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting nearly one-third of adults at some point in their lives. While anxiety can be generalized and chroni… Read More