» Powers of Attorney

Block letters on toy fire truck showing POA for Power of Attorney

Understanding the Power of Attorney

In its various forms, a power of attorney is an essential tool when planning for possible incapacity or if you otherwise need a trusted agent to manage your affairs. This legal document can grant broad authority to one or more agent to transact busin… Read More
Storing Directives on a Smart Phone

Storing Your Health Care Directives on Your Smart Phone? There's an App for That.

More Americans than ever can now store information on smartphones and tablet devices. Whether engaging in online banking, using a mobile plane boarding pass, or creating work calendars shared in the cloud, the internet of things provides needed conne… Read More
3D illustration of a fountain pen and a golden stamp with the text fiduciary duty.

What It Means To Become a Fiduciary

In your lifetime, you may be asked to act on behalf of a family member or friend. This could be being named as agent under a power of attorney, as executor under a will, or as trustee for a trust, for example. Then, if that person who named you becom… Read More
Keep the Beat in Your Estate Plan

Rockin’ Your Estate Plan

Over the past weekend, I attended the REO Speedwagon and Chicago concert. At one point during REO’s performance, three of the band members (all guitar players) gathered near the front of the stage, playing some ongoing music but not a clearly ident… Read More
Categories: Powers of Attorney
Guardianship, Hippos, and…

Guardianship, Hippos, and #notallfoxes: Thoughts from John Oliver (and Others)

Sitting in my office this week, I had the opportunity to watch a clip from HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He provided an explanation of how guardianship works, with a frank discussion of the possible scary implications. Of course, be… Read More
personal representatives estate plan will

Agents, Representatives, and Surrogates: Oh My! Understanding Your Estate Plan Roles

When you create your estate plan, not only do you decide what happens to your belongings and property after you die, you also choose people in the roles of your estate plan to do things for you when you cannot. Some of these people act after your dea… Read More
Money and Stethoscope Title Pic

DPOA vs HCS: Comparing the Powers under Key Estate Plan Pieces

In a recent Instagram post, a question was posed about a DPOA vs HCS. Do you know the difference between a Durable Power of Attorney and a Health Care Surrogate Designation? A Durable Power of Attorney is a document used to grant power to a person to… Read More
Categories: Powers of Attorney
different shoes being worn

Step Into My Shoes: More Key Benefits of Using a Comprehensive Power of Attorney (Part II)

A power of attorney authorizes your agent to, essentially, step into your shoes (no matter whether you prefer sneakers or pumps) in order to handle your affairs and conduct business on your behalf. This business includes the business of your everyday… Read More
Categories: Powers of Attorney
Power, Girl in Cape

Four Key Benefits of Using a Comprehensive Power of Attorney (Top Benefits, Part I)

Having talked about some of the basics of powers of attorney in the last post, let’s count down some of the top benefits of having a comprehensive power of attorney as part of your well-planned estate. 1. Avoid the necessity of a guardianship or co… Read More
Categories: Powers of Attorney
Powers of Attorney Basics

Powers of Attorney: Some Basic Principles for Principals

Powers of attorney do not refer to how much your attorney can bench press or lift. Instead, a power of attorney is a document that identifies and gives power to a person to make decisions for you in the case of incapacity. The benefits of a highly de… Read More
Categories: Powers of Attorney