» Probate

Will and Living Trust Typed on Paper with Living Trust circled in red pencil

Why a Trust Can Be the Best Option to Avoid Probate

Ideally, when someone passes away, the paperwork and material concerns associated with the deceased’s passing are so seamlessly handled (thanks to excellent preparation) that they fade into the background, allowing the family and other loved ones t… Read More
Categories: Probate, Trusts
Avoid unintended consequences from using a DIY deed

Three Reasons to Avoid Probate

When you pass away, your family may need to sign certain documents as part of a probate process in order to claim their inheritance. This can happen if you own property (like a house, car, bank account, investment account, or other asset) in your nam… Read More
Categories: Probate
Close up of assorted pills and prescriptions discussing what to do with controlled substances at death

Three Steps to Take When the Deceased Has Controlled Substances

There are so many things to think about when a loved one passes away. What to do with the prescription drugs (or other controlled substances) that are in your loved one’s medicine cabinet is not usually at the top of that list. Yet, to avoid runnin… Read More
Categories: Probate
Importance of Recording a Deed

Untangling Tangled Titles: Homeownership, Property Deeds, and Estate Planning

If you are currently living in a property that you inherited but the deed has not been transferred into your name, you may be surprised to learn that, under the law, you are technically not the owner. This legal situation is known as “tangled title… Read More
Categories: Probate
Judge standing behind podium with a judgement

Why You Might Want to Go through Probate

Avoiding probate is a common goal for individuals deciding how they want their money and property to be handled when they pass. It is a worthy one and is regularly promoted by estate planning attorneys across the nation. However, probate is not an in… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning, Probate
Probate court

Probate: How an Estate is Administered in Court

To process a decedent’s will it must go through a function called Probate, a method which judicial officials, including probate judges, process property. State laws may vary but the general process stays genuinely the same across the country. Read More
Last Will and Testament and Gavel

Understanding Probate

Probate is, at the basic level, the process of the court overseeing what happens with a person’s assets or belongings after a person dies. Officially, someone gathers the person’s assets and distributes them to the beneficiaries or heirs. That pe… Read More
A will provides instructions about who should receive a person’s money and property after the person’s death and who they would like to care for their dependents.

What Your Will Can and Can Not Do (Hint: It's Not a Magic Wand)

A will is a legally binding directive stating who will receive much of your property upon your death. Having a will allows you to appoint a legal representative or executor to carry out your bequests and name a guardian for your children. If you die… Read More
Avoid probate with estate planning

Successfully Avoiding Probate Court

Many people have been told that it is important for people to “avoid probate.” Just because people may have heard that term, that doesn’t mean they know exactly what probate means, why it can be a problem, or how to successfully avoid it. In th… Read More
Categories: Probate
Probate in brown envelope and judges gavel

The Process of Probate

When someone passes away, there is an often-lengthy legal procedure. This involves a court overseeing the process of authenticating the will, reviewing the deceased’s assets, paying outstanding debts, and distributing the remaining property to the… Read More