» Trusts

woman looking at chalkboard with different words written on it and NOW written boldly

To the Millennials: The Time to Plan Is Now

As a millennial, you are contributing to the workforce in a major way and are making positive changes in the world around you. We understand that your concerns may differ from someone of a different generation, and we are here to help you craft an es… Read More
magic wand

Why Snow White’s Father Should Have Had an Estate Plan

Many of us are familiar with the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. Central to the story is the relationship between Snow White and her stepmother. After losing his wife, the king decided to marry again to provide a motherly influence for his… Read More
Addiction Recovery word cloud considerations in Estate Planning for an Addicted Loved One

Things to Know in Estate Planning for an Addicted Loved One

It has been said that the only thing harder than being an addict is loving one. It can be particularly difficult for a parent to bring a child into the world, full of hopes and dreams about their future, and then watch them spiral down into addiction… Read More
new born baby gripping parent's thumbs tightly

Is it time to Update Your Estate Plan?

Having an estate plan is a great way to ensure you and your loved ones are protected today and in the future. When creating an estate plan, we look at what is going on in your life at that time. But because life is full of changes, it is important to… Read More
Keychain House attached to key unlocking the door to a home - Home ownership

What Happens to An Adult Child Living at Home When Their Parents Pass Away?

Today more young adult children are living at home with their parents than at any time since the 1940s. While there are many different opinions about this trend and the cause of its recent prevalence, the primary motivation for young adults staying a… Read More
Piggy bank in child's hands, inside parent's hands - protecting investments

What Can I Not Do as Trustmaker and Trustee of a Revocable Living Trust?

Wills and living trusts are two of the most fundamental estate planning documents. While both accomplish the same primary objective in an estate plan of directing the distributions of your money and property to your desired beneficiaries after you pa… Read More
special needs trust on clipboard

Who Should Be the Trustee of a Third-Party Special Needs Trust (SNT)?

Family members with special needs may require assistance throughout their lives. If you want to ensure that a loved one with a disability is taken care of after you are gone, you can help manage resources for them by using a third-party special needs… Read More
Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney documents on a desk

Five Essential Legal Documents You Need for Incapacity Planning

Comprehensive estate planning involves more than just planning for your legacy after your death, avoiding probate, and reducing taxes. Good estate planning also addresses incapacity and appoints people to make legal, financial, and medical decisions… Read More
wooden judge and movie sign on the desk background demonstrating will administration in movies

Will and Estate Administration Details that TV and Movies Get Wrong

While television and movies provide great entertainment, they are not always factual. Even shows based on real events are not entirely accurate. Creators of television programs and movies will often alter details of a story or situation to provide an… Read More
Piggy bank in child's hands, inside parent's hands - protecting investments

Don’t Let This Crucial Question Derail Your Estate Plan: Outright or in Trust?

Sitting down to create or update your estate plan can be overwhelming. Crucial to a successful plan is your ability to address two major questions: Who will get your stuff when you die, and how do you want those individuals or charities to receive th… Read More