» Trusts

Estate Planning Word Cloud

What Is the Difference Between a Probate and Trust Administration Attorney and an Estate Planning Attorney?

Estate planning attorneys and probate and trust administration attorneys play crucial but distinct roles in the legal processes involving legacy planning, asset distribution, and wealth preservation. Estate planning attorneys focus on creating a plan… Read More
Importance of Recording a Deed

What Happens to Real Estate With a Mortgage When I Die?

Your mortgage, like the rest of your debt, does not simply disappear when you die. If you leave your home that has an outstanding loan to a beneficiary in your will or trust, your beneficiary will inherit not only the property but also the outstandin… Read More
hand holding wooden puppet to illustrate control

My Spouse Died . . . and Now I Have My Own Survivor's Trust?

Many married couples share almost everything, including finances. This may be reflected in their estate plan by using one joint living trust instead of two separate trusts. Separate trusts can provide greater flexibility, but a joint trust can be str… Read More
Picture of building blocks such as Legos

Celebrating International LEGO Day Jan 28

Mark your calendars: January 28 is International LEGO day, which celebrates the date when the patent for the globally famous plastic brick system was filed. Since the 1940s, people have been creating their own worlds, brick by brick, with LEGOs. With… Read More
tax deductible

What Is the Last Surviving Spouse Rule in an Estate Tax Situation?

Estate planning can be a significant part of successful financial management, especially for married couples. One key consideration is minimizing any estate tax, which can substantially affect the distribution of money and property to a married coupl… Read More
hands over house and family to illustrate protecting assets and loved ones and guardian

The Testamentary Trust: The Best of Both Worlds

You have several different options when it comes to creating the right estate plan. Some people believe that a revocable living trust is the best way to go, while others think that a last will and testament (commonly known as a will) is best under ce… Read More
attorney explaining estate plan

Is Your Trust Protected? Six Ways a Trust Protector Could Help

Trust protectors are commonly used in the United States. Essentially, a trust protector is someone who serves as an appointed authority over a trust that will be in effect for a long period of time. They ensure that trustees maintain the integrity of… Read More
Categories: Trusts
tax deductible

How Much Authority Does a Trustee Have Over the Stuff in My Trust?

A trustee is a person or entity responsible for and with the authority for managing and administering your trust according to your instructions and in accordance with state law. They are considered a fiduciary (meaning they are held to a higher stand… Read More
Categories: Trusts
LLC on blocks of wood demonstrating Corporate Transparency Act

Will the Corporate Transparency Act Apply to You?

Starting on January 1, 2024, under a new law called the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), owners of certain business entities must file a report with the federal government including details regarding the ownership of their entity. The CTA was enacte… Read More
Pearl necklace, class ring, embroidered hankerchief

Sometimes Stuff Is the Most Important Part of Your Estate Plan

Most people usually think about who will receive their retirement and bank accounts, life insurance proceeds, real estate, and other valuable possessions upon their death. However, a person’s personal property (their stuff) can also be a source of… Read More