» Estate Planning

Update Your Estate Plan t…

Update Your Estate Plan to Cover Pandemics

The World Health Organization (WHO) gave name to the disease causing the novel coronavirus outbreak on February 11, 2020. The coronavirus disease of 2019 shortly after became known by its abbreviation, CO for corona, VI for virus, D for disease, and… Read More
Close up of woman hands connecting usb flash drive on a laptop computer to organize financial information.

Do You Have Your Financial Information In Order?

Preparing and organizing your financial information now before you are no longer capable will bring peace of mind to both you and your loved ones. It will ensure proper management of your financial situation and afford control over your end of life a… Read More
Hands holding puzzle pieces trying to fit together

Understanding Estate Planning

You may think that estate planning is for the very wealthy; however, for a better understanding of estate planning, you should know that it is actually for everyone. In the eyes of the law, an estate is simply the aggregate of property a person owns,… Read More
Vintage Jewelry and Open Jewelry Box on Table Showing Personal Property_McCreary Law Office

Passing On Personal Property

You feel good that your estate plan is all set. It will take care of your home, savings, and investments, making sure that your family will get those valuable estate items fairly and efficiently. Depending on the level of planning, your plan might al… Read More
3D illustration of a fountain pen and a golden stamp with the text fiduciary duty.

What It Means To Become a Fiduciary

In your lifetime, you may be asked to act on behalf of a family member or friend. This could be being named as agent under a power of attorney, as executor under a will, or as trustee for a trust, for example. Then, if that person who named you becom… Read More
Protect your Modern Family

Blended Families And Estate Planning

Estate planning for blended families is a complex subject. Many couples often bring children into a marriage from a prior relationship, and sometimes they also then have children together. This mix of children and new spouses is referred to as a blen… Read More
woman looking at chalkboard with different words written on it and NOW written boldly

Seven Bad Excuses People Use to Put Off Estate Planning

Can’t we put off planning until we can afford it? My family and I don’t own much. You really shouldn’t. It is crucial to give legal authority to a person of your choice whether to make decisions for you in a medical crisis, to handle your finan… Read More
Young couple with senior parents walking outside in spring nature.

The Importance of Talking to Your Kids About Their Inheritance

Failing to talk to kids about how much they may inherit could leave them unprepared to handle even a modest amount, and often results in the money being squandered quickly. Read More
DIY estate planning can go wrong demonstrated with Wood letters of DIY and definition on wood background

Think Twice Before Tackling Estate Planning Documents on Your Own

A common question many people ask is: “Can’t I just grab a will off the internet, do a transfer-on-death deed for my land, put my kids on my bank account, and be done with my estate plan?” Yes, you can. But you should not. It’s just not a goo… Read More
Categories: Estate Planning
Couple meeting with attorney

Checking up on Your Estate Plan

You should be checking up on your estate planning documents every so often to make sure they’re still good—especially with big life changes like births, marriages, divorces, and moving to another state. Children grow up, marriages dissolve, prope… Read More