» Planning for Minor Children

Authorization for consent to medical treatment of minor child

Who Will Care for Your Child When You Cannot?

As a parent, you are responsible for the care of your minor child. In most circumstances, this means getting them up for school, making sure they are fed, and providing for other basic needs. However, what would happen if you and your child’s other… Read More
Piggy bank in child's hands, inside parent's hands - protecting investments

Don’t Let This Crucial Question Derail Your Estate Plan: Outright or in Trust?

Sitting down to create or update your estate plan can be overwhelming. Crucial to a successful plan is your ability to address two major questions: Who will get your stuff when you die, and how do you want those individuals or charities to receive th… Read More
Picture of building blocks such as Legos

Celebrating International LEGO Day Jan 28

Mark your calendars: January 28 is International LEGO day, which celebrates the date when the patent for the globally famous plastic brick system was filed. Since the 1940s, people have been creating their own worlds, brick by brick, with LEGOs. With… Read More
Estate Planning Word Cloud

How Far in Advance Can I Begin My Estate Planning?

You can create your estate plan at any time, but many people choose to begin the process of estate planning sooner rather than later. Why? Because you never know when life-changing medical or financial emergencies can strike that will require someone… Read More
young siblings with a piggy bank between them

Could a Testamentary Trust Be What Your Loved Ones Need?

One of the main reasons that a person creates a revocable living trust (a trust established during a person’s lifetime that they can amend or revoke) instead of relying on a will to transfer their money and property to their beneficiaries is to avo… Read More
Are You Single with a Min…

Are You Single with a Minor Child? If So, You Need a Plan

You have a minor child who depends on you for their survival, so you need to make sure that they will be cared for if you are ever unable to care for them. By creating an estate plan, you can address your minor child’s care and custody and provide… Read More
Happy young child holding a lot of cash and a piggy bank

Want to Leave Your Retirement Account to Your Minor Child? Consider These Things First

Your retirement account may be one of the most valuable things you own. Many people consider naming their children as the beneficiaries of these accounts because they think it is a way of easily transferring their wealth if something happens to them.… Read More
Piggy bank with a graduation mortar board cap concept for the 529 plan and tuition

529 Plan Changes for the FAFSA Form and What It Means for Grandparents (and Grandaunts)

For grandparents who want to leave a legacy to their grandchildren (or grandaunts, such as myself, who wants to help out with the costs for grandnieces and grandnephews), the gift of a 529 college savings plan is an option. Not only can opening a 529… Read More
529 Plans and Saving for College

Gifts to Grandchildren: 529 Accounts

This type of account, named for Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code, enables you to reduce your taxable estate while earmarking funds for the higher education of a grandchild (or any other family member). Funds contributed to such accounts are i… Read More
personal representatives estate plan will

Agents, Representatives, and Surrogates: Oh My! Understanding Your Estate Plan Roles

When you create your estate plan, not only do you decide what happens to your belongings and property after you die, you also choose people in the roles of your estate plan to do things for you when you cannot. Some of these people act after your dea… Read More