» Property

generational family

What Conditions Can I Put on My Child’s Inheritance?

You have two primary options for leaving an inheritance to a child. The most straightforward is to give it to them in a single lump sum, with no strings attached. But this might not be the best option for some children. You may be concerned about the… Read More
Young adult surrounded by moving boxes while filling out a form

Are You Ready to Move Away from Home?

When you move away from home, it is a major milestone in adulthood. For the first time, you might have to secure housing, buy insurance, sign up for utilities, and manage your finances. All of this can feel overwhelming as you simultaneously adapt to… Read More
Keychain House attached to key unlocking the door to a home - Home ownership

What Happens to An Adult Child Living at Home When Their Parents Pass Away?

Today more young adult children are living at home with their parents than at any time since the 1940s. While there are many different opinions about this trend and the cause of its recent prevalence, the primary motivation for young adults staying a… Read More
Piggy bank in child's hands, inside parent's hands - protecting investments

What Can I Not Do as Trustmaker and Trustee of a Revocable Living Trust?

Wills and living trusts are two of the most fundamental estate planning documents. While both accomplish the same primary objective in an estate plan of directing the distributions of your money and property to your desired beneficiaries after you pa… Read More
Tough Decisions Ahead Road Sign

Passing the Torch: Smart Business Succession Strategies

For many business owners, their business is one of the most valuable and important things they own. When it is time to sit down and create an estate plan, it is critical that business owners plan for their business just as they would plan for their h… Read More
Probate Word on Scrabble tiles, with a gavel, watch, money in picture

Do I Have to File a Will with the Court?

Death is a personal and private affair that affects the deceased’s close family and friends. However, there is at least one aspect of death that may require state oversight: probate. Probate with a will is usually much more straightforward than wit… Read More
Piggy bank in child's hands, inside parent's hands - protecting investments

Don’t Let This Crucial Question Derail Your Estate Plan: Outright or in Trust?

Sitting down to create or update your estate plan can be overwhelming. Crucial to a successful plan is your ability to address two major questions: Who will get your stuff when you die, and how do you want those individuals or charities to receive th… Read More
Senior couple unpacking a box of personal property

What Is a Residuary Clause and Why Is It Important?

When developing your estate plan, it is nearly impossible to address every account or property you own. There are sure to be some things you unintentionally overlook. However, by including a residuary clause, you can intentionally disburse any remain… Read More
Importance of Recording a Deed

What Happens to Real Estate With a Mortgage When I Die?

Your mortgage, like the rest of your debt, does not simply disappear when you die. If you leave your home that has an outstanding loan to a beneficiary in your will or trust, your beneficiary will inherit not only the property but also the outstandin… Read More
hand holding a phone showing a Twitch account

What Happens to My Twitch Account When I Die?

In the digital age, our online presence extends beyond social media. Platforms like Twitch, where users engage with live-streamed content, present unique considerations when it comes to estate planning. Do you know what happens to a Twitch account af… Read More