» Guardianship

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month: How an Estate Plan Can Help Improve Anxiety

Roughly one in five US adults experiences a mental illness each year. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions, affecting nearly one-third of adults at some point in their lives. While anxiety can be generalized and chroni… Read More
Estate Planning text on white paper on black folder

Aaron Carter: A Life Gone Too Soon

Musician Aaron Carter, a former child pop star and younger brother of Backstreet Boys singer Nick Carter, died last November at the age of thirty-four. Aaron’s untimely passing is one of the more tragic celebrity deaths of 2022. It is also one of t… Read More
Categories: Guardianship, Probate
Creating an estate plan allows you to name someone to care for your minor child if you are unable.

Does the Guardian for My Child Have to Be a United States Citizen?

One of the more uncomfortable aspects of estate planning is deciding what will happen to your child if both you and the child’s other legal parent were to die unexpectedly. While the odds of this happening are low, the consequences of not naming a… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
guardianship and conservatorship regarding Britney Soears

Guardianships: Valuable Lessons from the Britney Spears Conservatorship

Most everyone at some point over the past several months has heard something about Britney Spears’s conservatorship and her battles with her father, who has been serving as her conservator. Conservators, commonly called guardians in Texas and F… Read More
Alternatives to Guardianship

Alternatives to Guardianship

Because guardianship involves a profound loss of freedom and dignity, state laws require that guardianship be imposed only when less restrictive alternatives have been tried and proven to be ineffective. ore importantly, and of the alternatives below… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
Guardianship Process

Guardianship Process

Picking up from last week in this three-part series, this post covers the guardianship process. Key points are the complexity involved (this involves the court system) and the ongoing reporting requirements. Remembering some basic points of guardians… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
Guardianship Basics

Basic Principles in Guardianship (a series)

This is the first post in a series about guardianship. Over the next couple of weeks, look for two follow-ups that will further explains what’s behind this area of law. Guardianship Basics Every adult is assumed to be capable of making his or h… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
Guardianship, Hippos, and…

Guardianship, Hippos, and #notallfoxes: Thoughts from John Oliver (and Others)

Sitting in my office this week, I had the opportunity to watch a clip from HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. He provided an explanation of how guardianship works, with a frank discussion of the possible scary implications. Of course, be… Read More
two males sitting on beach

Can We Talk? Having the Needed Conversations with Potential Guardians

Estate planning is more than making choices. It is also about having conversations with those people you select to act for you in case of your death or disability—personal representatives, powers of attorney, and guardians, to name a few. A lot of… Read More
Man and child holding hands

How to Select Guardians for Your Minor Children

Appointing a guardian for minor children is one of the most important and challenging decisions that parents face. If you’ve been avoiding the issue, it’s time to take the leap. A thorough, properly drafted estate plan is the best way to… Read More
Categories: Guardianship