» Guardianship

LGBTQIA Same-sex Couple Dancing

Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Now, when you are newly married, is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds or those about to marry, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two… Read More
Judge With Magnifying Glass Looking At Figurines of a Family to choose guaridan

Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Children

We know it is difficult, even horrific, to imagine someone else raising your children. However, you must consider who you would choose to fill this important role. Otherwise, a judge—a stranger who does not know you or your wishes, your child, or y… Read More
hands over house and family to illustrate protecting assets and loved ones and guardian

Should Your Child’s Guardian and Trustee Be the Same Person?

If you have overheard any estate planning discussions, you have likely heard the words “guardian” or “trustee.” In estate planning, deciding who will ultimately be tasked with caring for your minor child or managing funds for their benefit is… Read More
A judge will look to state law to determine the appropriate guardian, who may not be a person that you would have chosen.

How to Choose a Guardian for Yourself

Every day we make hundreds of decisions for ourselves—from what to eat for breakfast to where to vacation. However, what happens if you cannot make decisions for yourself? Who do you want making day-to-day decisions on your behalf and serving as yo… Read More
magic wand

Why Snow White’s Father Should Have Had an Estate Plan

Many of us are familiar with the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. Central to the story is the relationship between Snow White and her stepmother. After losing his wife, the king decided to marry again to provide a motherly influence for his… Read More
Power of Attorney, Living Will, and Health Care Power of Attorney documents on a desk

What You Can Learn from the Leno Conservatorship Proceedings

When most people think about creating an estate plan, they usually focus on what will happen when they die. They typically do not consider what their wishes would be if they were alive but unable to manage their own affairs (in other words, if they a… Read More
Image shows an advanced directive, stethoscope, magnifier and a scalpel

What to Do When Incapacity Throws Your Estate Plan into Chaos

As poet Robert Burns mused centuries ago, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Despite thoughtful effort and a concerted strategy, you cannot prepare for every emergency in life. A car accident, sudden illness, workplace injury, or chro… Read More
Authorization for consent to medical treatment of minor child

Who Will Care for Your Child When You Cannot?

As a parent, you are responsible for the care of your minor child. In most circumstances, this means getting them up for school, making sure they are fed, and providing for other basic needs. However, what would happen if you and your child’s other… Read More
Illustration of judge standing behind podium, flags behind him

Blindsided: The Michael Oher Conservatorship Controversy Explained

We are in the home stretch of the NFL season, and things are as exciting as ever. Aside from which team has a stellar rookie quarterback (Go, Texans!), or which team is on fire on the road (Go, Jags! (Keep in mind that McCreary Law Office started in… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
mother looking over her shoulder at her minor children on a swing

Are You Single with a Minor Child? If So, You Need a Plan

You have a minor child who depends on you for their survival, so you need to make sure that they will be cared for if you are ever unable to care for them. By creating an estate plan, you can address your minor child’s care and custody and provide… Read More