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5 Key Times to Evaluate Your Florida Estate Plan

Five Key Times to Evaluate Your Estate Plan

Life changes daily, it seems sometimes. Often, when those events take place that bring such change, we can be so focused on the change in circumstance, it’s easy to overlook how our estate plan might need to change too. Here are five key times… Read More
Dying Without a Will

Prince Died Without a Will?

Last week, news spread quickly of the unexpected death of legendary musician, Prince. Posts covered Facebook news feeds. Twitter exploded with comments lamenting the loss. Tributes rang out musically on stages across Broadway, concert halls, and Satu… Read More
Living Will Advance Directives Form with pen

National Healthcare Decision Day: Talk about Your Living Will

Sometimes talking about end of life issues and living wills can be uncomfortable. Sometimes we are challenged with how to broach the topic. Too often, we think about these matters only after watching someone else go through losing a loved one or thro… Read More
Personal Files

Choosing Beneficiaries and Keeping it Beneficial

With the start of a new year, we often take time to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and generally set goals to get our houses in order—whether our physical houses, our fitness houses, or our financial houses. One of those areas in… Read More
Personalized and detailed last will and testament

How Much for a Simple Will?

It seems like such a simple question, asking how much a will costs, but the truth is, the subject is anything but simple. When someone asks me the question, my answer sounds like the familiar lawyer-speak answer: it depends. But what I should say, an… Read More