» Planning for Minor Children

Wedding couple in car decorated with plate JUST MARRIED and cans

Estate Plan Basics for Newlyweds: How to Prepare for the Unexpected

Getting married is a special time in your life; you may have a beautiful wedding, a fun reception (with a delicious cake and special gifts), and a romantic honeymoon. It is also the right time for you and your new spouse to plan for your future—for… Read More
LGBTQIA Same-sex Couple Dancing

Estate Planning for the Newly Married

Now, when you are newly married, is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds or those about to marry, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two… Read More
Judge With Magnifying Glass Looking At Figurines of a Family to choose guaridan

Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Children

We know it is difficult, even horrific, to imagine someone else raising your children. However, you must consider who you would choose to fill this important role. Otherwise, a judge—a stranger who does not know you or your wishes, your child, or y… Read More
Vintage key in a trust fund document chooes initial trustee

How to Choose the Initial Trustee of Your Trust

When you establish a trust, you nominate someone to be the initial trustee. If you are creating a revocable living trust, you will likely be the initial trustee. You will also want to name successors or backup trustees to step in and manage the trust… Read More
hands over house and family to illustrate protecting assets and loved ones and guardian

Should Your Child’s Guardian and Trustee Be the Same Person?

If you have overheard any estate planning discussions, you have likely heard the words “guardian” or “trustee.” In estate planning, deciding who will ultimately be tasked with caring for your minor child or managing funds for their benefit is… Read More
Notebook with Inheritance written on the front, image of car, home and family in wood cut out

Won’t My Spouse and Kids Inherit Everything When I Die?

You may think that if you die while you are married, everything you own will automatically go to your spouse and children. But you are actually thinking of state rules that apply if someone dies without leaving a will. In legal jargon, this is referr… Read More
generational family

What Conditions Can I Put on My Child’s Inheritance?

You have two primary options for leaving an inheritance to a child. The most straightforward is to give it to them in a single lump sum, with no strings attached. But this might not be the best option for some children. You may be concerned about the… Read More
Addiction Recovery word cloud considerations in Estate Planning for an Addicted Loved One

Things to Know in Estate Planning for an Addicted Loved One

It has been said that the only thing harder than being an addict is loving one. It can be particularly difficult for a parent to bring a child into the world, full of hopes and dreams about their future, and then watch them spiral down into addiction… Read More
meeting with a trusted advisor

Estate Planning Is About Knowing Your Priorities

Thinking about the world and how our loved ones will fare after we pass away can be very difficult. Although we all know that we will pass away at some point, this is not something most people like to dwell on. However, by proactively planning and pr… Read More
new born baby gripping parent's thumbs tightly

Is it time to Update Your Estate Plan?

Having an estate plan is a great way to ensure you and your loved ones are protected today and in the future. When creating an estate plan, we look at what is going on in your life at that time. But because life is full of changes, it is important to… Read More