
Dividing Propety for Blended Families

The Blended Family: Considerations for Dividing Property

Estate planning for blended families is a complex subject. The process may involve unique challenges because an absolute answer for determining how property should be handled does not exist. This post will give you an overview of some property distri… Read More
Categories: Trusts, Wills
Why Single People Need a Health Surrogate

Why Single People Need a Health Care Surrogate

It is of great importance for everyone to appoint a health care surrogate. If you are unable to make your own decisions, a health care surrogate is the person who steps in to make decisions for you. Discussing things in advance with your surrogate ca… Read More
If you have a Will before getting married in the state of Florida, make sure the important things don't change.

Going to the Chapel? Going to get Married?

Ah, weddings. Joy. Bliss. Love. The blending of two hearts. And two lives. And bank accounts. And assets. And one of those five reasons discussed earlier to update your estate plan. If you don’t update your estate plan before jetting off on the… Read More
Categories: Wills
Protecting Your Legacy

Using a Trust to Protect Your Legacy from Your Children's Ex-Spouses

A living trust is a useful tool for safeguarding your legacy and enabling the transfer of assets to a specific beneficiary. It can also protect against claims made by potential interlopers, such as a child’s ex-spouse. If your son’s or da… Read More
Talking about hospice before you need it. McCreary Law Office, Jacksonville, FL.

Talking About Hospice (Before It Is Needed)

Have you talked to your loved ones about your health care choices? Do they know what type of care you want if you are unable to tell doctors? This is the type of information that you need to share. And when confronting choices for end-of-life, having… Read More
Non-Married Adults Sharing Households Florida Estate Planning

Sharing Households: Two Adults Living Together

Between 1990 and 2007, the number of non-married couple households increased by 88 percent. Today, most folks know at least one person who lives with a partner but isn’t married. The majority of couples nowadays live together before marrying. O… Read More
Categories: Living Will, Wills
5 Key Times to Evaluate Your Florida Estate Plan

Five Key Times to Evaluate Your Estate Plan

Life changes daily, it seems sometimes. Often, when those events take place that bring such change, we can be so focused on the change in circumstance, it’s easy to overlook how our estate plan might need to change too. Here are five key times… Read More
Sharing Households and Things to Consider. McCreary Law Office, Jacksonville, FL.

Sharing Households: Considerations for Multi-Generational Families

Living together with family members is a great choice for many people. However, combined living arrangements can also lead to legal conflicts and unintended consequences. If you’re living in or are transitioning to a multi-generational home, he… Read More
Categories: General News, Wills
Man and child holding hands

How to Select Guardians for Your Minor Children

Appointing a guardian for minor children is one of the most important and challenging decisions that parents face. If you’ve been avoiding the issue, it’s time to take the leap. A thorough, properly drafted estate plan is the best way to… Read More
Categories: Guardianship
Dying Without a Will

Prince Died Without a Will?

Last week, news spread quickly of the unexpected death of legendary musician, Prince. Posts covered Facebook news feeds. Twitter exploded with comments lamenting the loss. Tributes rang out musically on stages across Broadway, concert halls, and Satu… Read More