» Senior Issues

Pearl necklace, class ring, embroidered hankerchief

What to Do with Grandma’s Ring: Dividing Personal Property in an Estate

If you have a beloved late grandmother, many images and memories may come to mind when you reminisce about her.You might picture her at her home or at the family vacation house during the holidays. Your memory could be a special meal that only she pr… Read More
A judge will look to state law to determine the appropriate guardian, who may not be a person that you would have chosen.

How to Choose a Guardian for Yourself

Every day we make hundreds of decisions for ourselves—from what to eat for breakfast to where to vacation. However, what happens if you cannot make decisions for yourself? Who do you want making day-to-day decisions on your behalf and serving as yo… Read More
meeting with a trusted advisor

Estate Planning Is About Knowing Your Priorities

Thinking about the world and how our loved ones will fare after we pass away can be very difficult. Although we all know that we will pass away at some point, this is not something most people like to dwell on. However, by proactively planning and pr… Read More
Keychain House attached to key unlocking the door to a home - Home ownership

What Happens to An Adult Child Living at Home When Their Parents Pass Away?

Today more young adult children are living at home with their parents than at any time since the 1940s. While there are many different opinions about this trend and the cause of its recent prevalence, the primary motivation for young adults staying a… Read More
Caretaker holding hands of older patient

Why Deathbed Planning Might Give You Additional Grief

None of us likes to think about our own death or enjoys planning for that occasion. However, if you do not create an estate plan or if you fail to update it regularly, you are likely setting your loved ones up for even more stress and grief after you… Read More
wheelchair as example of donating or selling medical equipment

What to Do with a Loved One's Used Medical Equipment

After a loved one has passed away and the funeral has been held, the task of sorting through their personal belongings begins. While items with sentimental value or family historical importance may have been distributed to beneficiaries in the estate… Read More
Autumn landscape. Autumn October park view. Bench at the autumn alley under colorful deciduous autumn trees, sunny autumn view, autumn park, autumn landscape, autumn trees, autumn morning, autumn park alley, sunny autumn park landscape. Represents Talking to your Parents about Estate Planning.

Five Tips for Talking to Your Parents about Estate Planning

Conversations about death and dying are rarely fun. Most people avoid them because they invoke feelings about our inevitable demise. Broaching this subject and talking to your parents about estate planning can be particularly difficult. Adult childre… Read More
Texas Capitol Legislation for Nursing Homes

State Laws Change to Protect Nursing Home Residents During Covid-19

Nursing home residents in the US suffered severe consequences of high infection rates, morbidity, and mortality because of COVID-19. Read More
Protecting a Home

Medicaid Estate Recovery, Your Home, and 8 Trillion Dollars

The need for affordable long-term support services in America has increased dramatically. Costs are exorbitantly expensive whether you struggle to pay premiums for a long-term care insurance policy or monthly bills from a nursing home. The US Departm… Read More
Categories: Elder Law, Senior Issues
Example of Older workers with photo of senior woman in warehouse.

Senior Workers Can Help American Workforce Needs

Although many older Americans want to work, the April 2020 unemployment rate for workers 55 and older rose to 13.6 percent. COVID-19 restrictions and associated layoffs account for some unemployment increase, but so does the lack of employment opport… Read More