Instead of naming an individual as a beneficiary for your retirement account, you can help that savings grow even more by naming a standalone retirement trust. The trust then provides for your beneficiaries and distributes money each year. Some of th…
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Sometimes talking about end of life issues and living wills can be uncomfortable. Sometimes we are challenged with how to broach the topic. Too often, we think about these matters only after watching someone else go through losing a loved one or thro…
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With the start of a new year, we often take time to reflect on the past, look forward to the future, and generally set goals to get our houses in order—whether our physical houses, our fitness houses, or our financial houses. One of those areas in…
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The Chicago Tribune carried a great piece in December 2015 about the ability to choose national parks as a final resting place. Many parks allow the scattering of cremation remains, but each park’s rules are different. The National Park Service…
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In 2015, NPR aired a segment on issues facing women in retirement. One of the points made is the lack of saving by many women combined with a longer life expectancy. Added to that is a complication of our mobile society: although years ago the childr…
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Beginning October 1, Florida parents now are able to designate a person to make health care decisions for their minor children in case the parent is unable to be reached. Additionally, the traditional health care surrogate designation for adults can…
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Some people say to me, “But I don’t need a will; I don’t have anything.” For a few people, this might apply; those persons might not now have anything in their estates that needs to be handled with a formal plan. One concern, though, is that…
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Estate planning doesn’t involve only things that happen after one’s death. A large part of a solid estate plan involves planning too for incapacity and medical illness. This part of the planning happens with making choices about your medical powe…
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It seems like such a simple question, asking how much a will costs, but the truth is, the subject is anything but simple. When someone asks me the question, my answer sounds like the familiar lawyer-speak answer: it depends. But what I should say, an…
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However you found this site, welcome. Perhaps you follow my site on Facebook or some other social media. Perhaps you’re searching the web for information about estate planning or wills or for insight behind something in the media these days. Perhap…
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Houston Estate Planning Attorney Jana R. McCreary has been an attorney for over twenty years, a career move she made after working for over a decade with adults and children with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Graduating summa cum laud… Read More